Conference Program


Welcome 9.15-9.30
Davide Bennato,  Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche (DISUM), Università di Catania (UNICT) Open data, big data, linked data: the data infrastructure for the society and the social research 9.30-10.00
Emilio Sanfilippo,  Laboratoire des sciences du numérique de Nantes (LS2N), French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) Towards an ontology of information objects. 10.00-10.30
Maria Rosaria Stufano Melone, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, del Territorio, Edile e di Chimica (DICATECh), Politecnico di Bari Towards an ontological analysis of Architectural types: the monastery case. 10.30-11.00
Coffee Break 11.00-11.30
Marianna Nicolosi-Asmundo, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica (DMI), UNICT Reasoning on the Web of Data exploiting set-theoretic tools. 11.30-12.00
Daniele Francesco Santamaria, DMI, UNICT  (with the partecipation of Claudia Cantale, DISUM, DMI) Web Ontologies for Cultural Heritage and their validation via a set-theory based reasoner. 12.00-12.45
Closing 12.45